School Ideas



I am hoping your teachers may allow you to use the seven vocabulary challenges in my ‘Away with the Fairies’ book for extra school credit. They might not be able to, but teachers are kind and are usually very happy for their students to come up with creative and educational ideas. If they say yes, be sure to thank them for being so open to the idea. If they say no, then thank them for thinking about the idea.

I was thinking you might be able to pick some words from the vocabulary challenge and create your own paragraph (or story) using those words.


There are three songs on the audio CD. Would one or more of those songs suit your class to learn for a class event? I would especially want to know if the Fairy Lullaby was used, since I wrote it. I also wrote most of the words to Up the Airy Mountains and would like to know if you ever use that one too!



Would your teacher let you make a word search puzzle like I have in the ’Away with the Fairies’ book?
This word search puzzle works for any subject in school, and would also be a creative idea to add as a part of a special school project. Here are instructions for making a word search puzzle and a link to a blank template that you can print out.

The top nine squares are for your chosen words. Lets say you want to do a word search puzzle about the spring. You might choose the words bloom, daffodil, birds, butterfly, April, nests, showers, rainbow and tadpole.

These words you would write in the nine empty boxes at the top of the page. Scatter these words around the grid. I usually put them across the grid, down the grid or set diagonally. Diagonal placement makes it a bit more challenging.

Finally, you ‘hide’ these words by placing random letters around your words. One tricky thing to do is to put in a false start. For instance, if you have the word ‘butterfly’ in your grid, place the letters ‘butter’ somewhere else in the grid but don’t add the ‘fly’, then continue with your random letters not in that word.

Click here to download word search graph